A Ă©viter ABSOLUMENT. Ils ont dĂ©truit mon manteau (lequel certes, avait une grande tache). Quand je l'ai depose, ils m'ont dit que la tache partirait sans problĂšme. Quand je suis allĂ©e le rĂ©cupĂ©rer, la tache n'avait pas partie. Ils ont donc nettoyĂ© le manteau a nouveau, seulement qu'il a rĂ©trĂ©ci et change de couleur. Ils me dissent que c'est impossible, et que je peut passer plainte si je veux. Ne confiez pas vos vĂȘtements a ces ""professionnels".
Avoid this pressing at all costs. They destroyed my coat, which yes, had a big stain. When I left it they said that the stain would be cleaned without problem. I went to pick it up, and the stain was still there. They told me to leave it there again, and when I finally picked it ip, it had shrunk and its colour had changed. Of course they say that I cannot prove that it wasn't that way before, and that I can sue them if I want. Do not leave your clothes to these ""professionals", find a quality pressing around, there are loads in this area.